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Profiles in 3C

Profiles of Character:
These are some basic traits imbibed by the learners through a value system continuously evolving for a harmonious co-existence in the world at large.

1- Empathetic:
One who identifies and understands the feelings and difficulties of others and is always willing to support them.

2- Caring:
One who shows concern and compassion for others and takes steps to help them in their needs.

3- Principled:
One who acts with integrity and honesty and possesses a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of individuals, groups and communities.

4- Reflective:
One who gives thoughtful consideration to one’s own learning and experience.

5- Inquiring:
One who shows natural curiosity and is keen to acquire skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research independently.

6- Integrity:
One who adheres to moral and ethical principles diligently so as to act with honesty.

Profiles of Competence
Some of the skills developed by learners effectively and continuously for a progressive continual growth.
1- Balanced:
One who understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being.

2- Communicative:
One who is able to communicate ideas and perspectives clearly and precisely.

3- Decisive:
One who is able to make logical and clear decisions while working through issues and problems.

4- Creative:
One who is able to create and display novel ideas resulting from originality of thought.

5- Problem Solver:
One who is able to understand problems and provide effective solutions, thus displaying critical thinking and analytical skills.

6- Entrepreneurial:
One who initiates new and smart strategies for events and implements them successfully.

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